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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Momentum Stock Message 25th February 2008

Is the current bear cycle over? I do not know for sure but I am edging towards yes. How long will it last? No idea. I am not into “predicting”.

Why do I say this current bear cycle is over?

1) Well the markets averages have actually stopped going down. Whilst they aren’t exactly “pumping” they have stopped going down. Not a bad sign. And after a big 4 –5 month sell off it is about right on time. I do admit the market can surprise and another leg down is definitely not impossible. Only time will tell I am afraid.
2) Another very good point is I am seeing life in momentum stocks again. For the first time since November 07 I am seeing volume and price pick up in some of my “watch list stocks.”

There’s no “fool-proof” system to get you in and out exactly on “cue.” You have to accept it’s an art and not a science. But I’ve been quit accurate in the past.

Momentum Stocks 25th February 2008


Mark Crisp

Mark Crisp

Why Momentum Stock Trading

Why momentum trade stocks I am asked from time to time?

Because I do not have to get in right at the bottom of a stocks move to make profits. There’s no ego attached here. If I can catch half of a good trend then I am happy.

Also I have no idea what stocks are going to move. I really don’t. So I wait and let the market tell me which stocks it has fallen in love with. I can then simply wait for my buy signal to be triggered. Sometimes I miss these moves. I do not catch all big moves. I am happy to catch a few every year.

Study the past. Study past big winning stocks and you can see what works.

Momentum Stocks:



Mark Crisp

Penny Stock Buying. Is it Really a Viable Method To Get Rich?

There is surely no better way to make massive returns on your money than in penny stock investing.
There is no point in joining the party too late. You need to get in before the crowd are aware of this penny stock investment. As soon as word is generated about a company, the price of the penny stock soars until it no longer falls in the category of penny stocks at all. So how do you get this kind of information if the media isn’t disseminating it to the public yet?

The first thing you can do is research on your own. Penny stock companies usually post their financial data for investors to find, even if they’re not being blasted over the airwaves just yet.
You have to become a Sherlock Holmes of the penny stock investment world. Sniffing out the very best opportunities. Sometimes you’ll get wind of a small news item where stocks aren’t even mentioned and it gives you just enough information to leverage an investment of penny stock before the company starts heavily promoting their stocks in connection with the news.

Creating wealth in penny stocks means doing your due diligance and then acting on it with total commitment.. Some investors prefer to wait and see what will happen with a company before they buy stock.

This kind of approach nullifies the opportunity they have to take advantage of the low stock cost, because once investors know for sure that a company is on the rise, everyone will be scrambling for a share and the stock prices will rapidly trend.

One way to stay abreast of up-and-coming penny stock companies is to join one of the many penny stock advice forums on the Internet and watch what others have to say about the choices available to penny stock investors.
Always make sure you do your own investigation into the company as well, but having other investors with a like-minded attitude can help you learn what to look for before shelling out too much money as a unwise.